Elizabeth Webb

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I’m Elizabeth Webb and my mission is to help you create the things you crave more than anything….satisfying love, a feeling of real success, true peace of mind, and a LOT more fun and overall happiness.
I’m certified in Positive Psychology, but what I truly am is a DREAM Launcher, and LOVE Advocate. I have been helping women create their desires full time for eight years, and have helped thousands of women find true, lasting love. I have worked with "A list" celebrities, CEOs, and lots of women who I feel like are a lot like me! I believe that as women, we all want the same things at our core: happiness, peace of mind, a fully inspired life, and an incredibly satisfying relationship with the right guy. I'm here to help. To join in the soul sisterhood of creation, you can join my private "Love Beam" list at lavidafemme.com.
