Kathryn Alice

FREE GIFT: "Ridiculously Easy Way to Love" Webinar
CLICK HERE to receive your free webinar

8-Week Program
This 8-week course is for a select group
who are serious about online dating
to find the love of their lives THIS SUMMER
Dear one,
I'm so excited to announce a product I've never offered before.
So many of you have written to let me know that the HOW of finding your soulmate -- where to look and what to do -- is what hangs you up.
In order to help you, I'm breaking new ground. For the first time ever, I'm releasing an 8-week process of online dating as a downloadable product.
We'll use my 8 step proven online dating process that is unlike anything you've ever heard. In two months, your life will not look the same.
You will avoid the pitfalls so many experience in the online dating world, and turn on the love magnet that cannot be denied, drawing forth your soulmate using a magical bonding technique that has worked for thousands.
There's more below. Here's to love for you this summer and beyond!
Love & support,
- How to use the Universal Attractant successfully to get who you are interested in to sit up and take notice
- What most people do wrong in on-line dating that puts them into misery . . . and how to avoid that trap
- An 8 step dating method that ensures a good online experience
- From signing up to doing your profile, weeding & connecting -- a RADICALLY DIFFERENT approach that changes it all
- What makes some people successful at on-line dating right away while others struggle and suffer
- Why common dating "wisdom" could be KILLING your love life . . . and how to course correct to harness amazing seductive power
- A simple skill to master that will make the online dating world your oyster
- The 4 reasons no one interesting ever appears in your dating life (once you learn this, things will heat up quickly for you)
- The Ensured Response Technique that you can use to instantly intrique promising soulmate candidates and keep them engaged
- An effective emotional bonding method to expedite the whole process of finding love
- Be led through the 8 week process that has worked for many from beginning to end
- Weekly Q & A recordings with Kathryn to get support & her input as you go through the process
Online date completely differently
using a POWERFUL process
to find the love of your life
Introductory price $547
Only $97 for Ready for The Right Guy Participants