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Please join me and over 25 love and relationship luminaries for the Ready for the Right Guy Telesummit!

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Our Experts Have Appeared On

Dr. John Gray

Mars and Venus: Dating Advice Just For Women

Alison Armstrong

Being the Right Gal for the Right Guy

Marni Battista

Dating with Dignity Do’s and Don’ts

Cherry Norris

How to Meet and Attract Your Man

Dr. Diana Kirschner

How to Find Love When You Feel Deserted

Debi Berndt & Dr. Robert Maldonado

Create Conscious Chemistry with Your Ideal Match

Dr. Lara and Johnny Fernandez

Men of Quality Do Exist

Jonathon Aslay

What Men Really Think About Love, Sex and Commitment

Kimberly Seltzer

What to Wear and What Not to Wear for a Big Date

Adam Gilad

Refine Your Filter to Meet the Unique Right Man for You

Bobbi Palmer

3 Keys to Your Grown-Up Love Story

Kathryn Alice

Have True Love Show Up at Your Door

David Steele

Radical Dating: 5 Principles for Lasting Love

Tammi Baliszewski

Manifesting Love from the Inside Out

Sandra Fidelis

3 Reasons You’re Still Single

Wendy Newman

What I Learned on 121 First Dates

Ronnie Ann Ryan

Flirt!  Fan the Flames of Your Femininity

Judith Joshel

How Soon Is Too Soon?  When is the Right Time to Sleep with Him?

Mary Jane Kapteyn

Nice Gals Finish Last: Why Being Nice Doesn’t Lead to Love

Dr. Monique Belton

Create Successful Relationships Using Smart Business Strategies

Sandy Weiner

How to Talk so Men Will Listen

Amy Schoen

Discover if You are Motivated to Marry or Not

Lisa Copeland

The 4 Magic Words Men Love to Hear

Nijole Sparkis

Heal Your Shadow to Attract Your Soulmate

Leila Reyes

Reclaim Yourself After Divorce

Katrina Sawa

Online Dating Do’s and Don’ts

Terry Hernon

Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams

Your Host

Michelle Marchant Johnson

Capture His Heart!  Be the One Woman He Falls Madly In Love With

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"Men of Quality Do Exist"
Video Series

"Finding Authentic Love & Affectionate Romance"
Interview with Michelle Marchant Johnson

The Right Man Won't Webinar:  7 Things the Right Man Won't Do
with Michelle Marchant Johnsom and Benjamin Johnson

The Right Man Will Webinar:  7 Things the Right Man Will Do
with Michelle Marchant Johnsom and Benjamin Johnson


"Remove Your Armor and Receive Love"
Interview with Kirsty Greenshields

"Inner Child Meditation"
with Kirsty Greenshields

My Mr Right Vision ebook
by Michelle Marchant Johnson

Ready for the Right Guy Article Archive

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