Congratulations, You're In!
You’re in! Welcome to the Ready for the Right Guy Global Telesummit!
Congratulations for saying YES to join me for the 2nd annual Ready for the Right Guy Global Telesummit beginning on January 4th, 2015. We're already under way - CLICK HERE to access today's interview.
You’ll be joining thousands of women from all over the world and will be hearing the very best wisdom from over 25 top love, dating, and relationship experts.
It’s time to get ready for the relationship of your dreams!
**Before you access your free gifts, may I ask you a personal favor?
Would you kindly help me get the word out by sharing this FREE event with all of your single women friends?
Just copy and paste this link:
and share via your Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, email, etc.
Please invite all of your girlfriends to join us and to share in the transformation. Please share the love. It’s going to be amazing!
**Once you have shared the event, please access all of your FREE GIFTS HERE (Download for instant access).
I look forward to sharing two amazing weeks with you beginning with a kick-off opening ceremony on January 4th. CLICK HERE for the full schedule.
You’re on your way to being Ready for your Right Guy.
This is your chance to transform your love-life by implementing new ideas and inspiring wisdom from some of the world’s top experts on love, dating, and romance. You’re going to love it.
You’ll begin 2015 full of hope, inspiration and confidence.
Thank you so much and congratulations for saying YES to having the relationship of your dreams!!
With love,
Michelle Marchant Johnson

Get it all, Guaranteed! Purchase the MP3 audio recordings of the whole exciting summit package right now for just $97 - save $100 over post-event pricing! Order now for the most savings.
This special package includes downloadable MP3 recordings of ALL summit speakers PLUS four great BONUS gifts!
VIP Package includes these FOUR amazing bonuses
Bonus #1

Tips and Tools Interview Highlight Sheets - Brief summary of the highlights and best wisdom from each interview ($100 Value)
Bonus #2

Stop Kissing Frogs and Start Kissing Your Handsome Prince with Michelle Marchant Johnson ($100 Value)
Bonus #3

What Real Men Want & Need and Why You Should Want It Too with Michelle Marchant Johnson and Benjamin Johnson ($100 value)
Bonus #4

Private 60-minute One on One Ready for the Right Guy Discovery session with Michelle Marchant Johnson ($197 Value - ONLY for the first 37 women - Order now!)
Here’s to the love you have always dreamed of!
Sending you much love and many blessings,
Michelle Marchant Johnson
Your Guide to the Right Guy
Host of Ready for the Right Guy Global Telesummit
Love Life Coaching, LLC